the Extra Plus

the Extra Plus

Probably, The First Of the Many – WELCOME!

Extra chance.

You are reading this article because you are one of the few who are called to visit my new website.

You can leave a comment, feedback or opinion in the comment section below. At least, I will know that someone has dropped by. It would be my greatest pleasure to say “Hi” to you wherever you are around this wonderful planet, Earth.

Actually, this is not my first website. In fact, this is my fourth – hopefully the last, to last for my lifetime, documenting all the wonders of life revealed through me (or, to safely say, seen by me.)

I am writing articles, poems, short stories, song lyrics, since high school, as far as I could remember. I don’t really love sitting and writing, that’s not who I am. I am the type of writer who writes anything that comes to my mind – striking lines, reflections, inspirations. I’m lazy. Hence, I still need some push to write a piece. Those AHA moments drive me to pick up my pen and write them down. But, when those moments visit me, they made me sleepless in front of my computer, and ideas seem like an endless stream, providing me with more and more thoughts.

I am not a professional writer, but, I am trying to, at least, communication in a way understandable by everyone, even when English is not their Mother tongue. I am not writing to influence, nor to inject a school of thought. I am writing to let you know what I know and experience about life. And, I know that everyone is unique and that each one has his/her different way to express it.

I hope you are enjoying my company. I will keep you posted of the inspirations and insights that I learned and will be learning as I go on with this journey.

If you are interested to contribute, then, feel free to contact me:

Simply make an article, poem or short story about an “extra plus” that you think can be “an inspiration” to others.

Together, let us be inspired and inspire the next generation.