A Journey to Sibulan and Encounter with Very Welcoming Locals
A Journey to Sibulan and Encounter with Very Welcoming Locals

A Journey to Sibulan and Encounter with Very Welcoming Locals

ferry boat

This new year will be a year full of adventures, risks and leaps of faith. I see this year as a year for me to take action and to put my decisions into actions.

Me with my beautiful niecesJanuary 4, 2017 was the first of the many days that I will go on adventure to places never been to. I planned to get a non-professional driver’s license. They say that it’s very easy to process documents in Dumaguete City, so I decided to go there – for the first time. I thought I would be travelling alone, but, I am accompanied by my two beautiful nieces – Charish and Cate. So, off we went.

We rode a Ceres Bus Liner from Malabuyoc, Cebu to Bato Bus Terminal. I paid Php 35 and Php 22 for Charish. After that, we rode a tricycle, around 20-30 minute ride to Liloan Port. Since it’s my first time (Charish had been there, but unfortunately she wasn’t that observant) so, I followed two elderly since I heard them going to Dumaguete, as well. I followed them and eventually arrived at the ticketing booth for Maayo Shipping.

maayo shipping ticketsI was about to look for the ticketing booth for the fast craft or the ferry boat. However, since the departure of the Maayo Shipping is 9AM and we arrived around 8:45 AM, riding the ship would be a wiser choice than looking for another.

The weather was great and the course was very well. We arrived at the port of Sibulan after approximately 30 minutes. After that, we tried to look for a jeep that will drive us to Robinson’s. There was one jeepney (locals call it ‘easy ride’) and the driver asked where we are heading:

Driver: Asa mo day? (Where are you going Miss?)

Me: Robinson’s.

Driver: Ay, dili man ko muadto didto, pangita lang mo ug easy ride sa eskina. (Ah, I won’t go there. Just find an easy ride in the corner.) Pointing me to the highway not far away.

Me: Thank you!

Since the traffic is slowly flowing, we can’t seem to find our way across after the conversation. We were about to cross the road and I saw the driver still looking at us and seems to had told us something. However, since I can’t hear him and we were about to cross, I just shook my head in refusal (as if I heard him.)

That shook of mine was a blessing. Actually, prior to arrival, I planned to visit the San Antonio de Padua Church, since my sister told me it’s just near the pier.

San Antonio De Padua ChurchIndeed! As we were looking for an easy ride, we walked towards the corner and to the left, trying to find a sight of the jeepney, we saw the bell tower of the church. I was stunned to see how God has blessed us on our journey. We hurriedly bought white candles and went in to find the candle area. On our way to light the candles, there is a fat woman (with short hair), extending her hand, opening her palm and said, “Singko.” I reached for my wallet, but before giving the coin to her, I asked, “Para sa asa gani ni?” (What is this for?) She answered, “Para palit pagkaon.” (To buy food.) Then I gave the 5-peso coin to her.

I glanced and saw another woman with short hair, and I said to the kids maybe they are placed here for them not to wander everywhere.

As we moved forward, another woman also looked at us and we had this conversation:

Woman: Nga-nga-ngayo ko-ko k-k-kwarta. (Give me money.)

I reached for my wallet and looked for coins.

Woman: Ka-ka-ka-kana lang si-si-singko. (Just five pesos.)

Me: Okay. Then gave her the coin.

Woman: Asa di-diay mo gi-gi-gikan? (Where are you from?)

Me: Cebu.

Woman: Un-unsa i-i-inyong gi-gi sa-sa-sakyan? (What are you riding?)

Me: Barko. (Ship.)

Woman: Sa-sakay di-diay mo da-dako ba-ba-barko? (You are riding on a ship?)

Me: Uu. (Yes.)

I smiled to her and went our way to the candle area. After we lit our candles, we went back to go inside the church. I glanced to the woman I just had conversation with and smiled. She seemed like filled with curiosity and continued to ask me:

Woman: Ngano di-diay na-na-naa mo-mo di-diri? (Why are you here?)

Me: Suroy lang. (To stroll.)

Woman: Ah. A-asa mo-mo pa-padulong? (Where are you going?)

Me: Robinson’s.

She’s still filled with so many questions. So, I tried to end the conversation by saying:

Me: Adto sa mi ha. (We’re going ahead.)

Woman: Si-sige la-la-lakaw na-na mo. (Sure, you can go.)

I smiled and she also smiled back.

T’was a great day and I was looking forward to the greatest day ahead.

After saying some prayers, we went off. We asked a candle vendor where can we find an easy ride to Robinson’s. Then, she pointed us to the Caltex gasoline station across the street. Off we went and while were walking towards the corner, we paused for a while and took a few photos of the church and their beautifully-decorated park.

Park Sibulan Park

To make the long story, short, we weren’t able to find an easy ride that will lead us straight to Robinson’s. Instead, we had two tricycle rides to Robinson’s. Luckily, drivers and passengers were very much welcoming, allowing us to sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty of Dumaguete City.

Will definitely have a visit or two to this beautiful place, yet to be discovered. Look forward to the part 2 of this one-day, yet very fulfilling journey in Dumaguete City. Stay tuned!