Forgetting What You Learned (Forgetting Who You Are?)
Forgetting What You Learned (Forgetting Who You Are?)

Forgetting What You Learned (Forgetting Who You Are?)

On my way to a university where I need to enroll myself for a summer Professional Education program, I listened to Jim Kwik’s podcast Ep. 1: Learn Anything Faster1. In this episode, Kwik, a brain coach, gave his tips on how to learn faster. He used the word FAST, which stands for:

  • F – orget: To learn anything faster, you must unlearn (temporarily) anything you know about the topic.
  • A – ctive: The fastest learners are kids and the reason they are so is because of their playfulness (and activeness).
  • S – tate: All learnings is state-dependent.
  • T – each: When you teach, you got to learn it twice.

Going back to my story…

Instead of dropping by the school, I went into their downtown because I need to withdraw money – I need to pay entrance fees, and some others dues. Then, I ride on a rela2 going to the school. I enjoyed the view of the Pulangi River as we head to the school. My mind still wandered when the driver stopped. I thought that we were just stuck in traffic, but actually, he already dropped me by the entrance of the school.

Fast forward, I went into the Graduate School department of the institution. There were a lot of people with different transactions in the department and the room was packed. I’m not really fond of being in the crowd, but what else can I do, I’m already there.

Soon after, I heard some people complaining that they were not being given much attention. That the staff who gave the priority number shouted or talked to them in an immodest manner, etc. I didn’t really pay much attention to these chattering because I’m preparing myself to talk to the dean.

Arrogance is Unprofessional!

However, as I waited for my line in their covered court (which to my surprise they call ‘cc’), I learned more about the whining I heard earlier. The staff who distributed the priority numbers had to make his voice bigger and louder for all people to hear. He apologized for his loud voice and talked about what happened a few hours back.

The teacher whom he talked to felt disrespected. She said she is a teacher and mustn’t be shouted at. There were also similar disagreements that happened in the Registrar resulting to the ‘lag’ in the process. Due to these chaos, the Head of the school’s registrar had to stop giving priority numbers and released a statement: “While you were teachers by profession, in this school, you are students (since you are trying to enroll to the school’s programs).”

Reflection & Realization

As I waited in the line for my turn, I pondered about what had happened and I related it to the podcast that I listened to. Three things I came to realize:

  1. Forget who you are (in profession) so you’ll know how to respect. Just because you’re a teacher doesn’t mean you must really be treated highly. I mean, respect is for all, but it’s another story if you demand a special respect (treatment) because you are a teacher or so. This doesn’t only happen with teachers, it also happened with other professionals, and even managers, too. Some people will take advantage because they are this or that…
  2. Forget your profession if that means you can be humble. What’s the use of your profession if that makes you more arrogant and less approachable. If you don’t know how to deal with people, then, you can’t be called professional.
  3. Apply FAST not just in learning new things, but also in learning how to deal with people.
    • F – orget: Respect isn’t about profession, but it’s about how to you respect others. So, forget about the notion that you must be respected if you are a professional – you can’t get what you do not have (and give).
    • A – dapt: Be versatile. If you are in the an environment that needs your extra patience, then, be extra patient. One sign of professionalism is how well you adjust to situations that call for flexibility.
    • S – incere: This is basic. When dealing with people, you must be in your truest self. This will serve you in the long run – no complications, no inconsistencies. Just you and your true self. (Some people can really spot whether you talk to them sincerely or not.)
    • T – hink: This one is crucial, too. Think before you speak. I don’t need to explain this further, since it’s also fundamental.

Hope I have given you something to ponder today.

1Jim Kwik’s podcast can be found in YouTube, Spotify and on his website.

2Rela is the term used in most part of Mindanao that refers to the tricycle. In the Philippines, tricycle is very common, especially in rural areas and in places inaccessible by other public transport.

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